Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#58 fixed allow trimming with and without extending Peter Baumann

sometimes trimming needs to be safe in that it is a proper subset. Sometimes an area overlapping with the input array is required whereby outside areas are filled with nulls. Both should be supported. Suggested approach:

  • add function: trim( mddExpr, pointExpr )
  • generalize existing trimming to combine trim() and extend(): a[trimExpr]
#59 invalid Problems on kahlua when postgres is started with an explicit port Dimitar Misev Dimitar Misev

On kahlua the production PostgreSQL database is started on port 9000. However, after updating rasdaman, connection to postgres through libpq fails.

The relevant part from the server's log:

ENTER  TransactionIf          ONCE   DatabaseIf               getName() RASSERVICE
begin(RASSERVICE, 1)
ENTER  DatabaseIf               baseDBMSOpen() RASSERVICE
ONCE   Adminif                    getCurrentDatabaseIf() 0
ONCE   Adminif                    setCurrentDatabaseIf(0x12d7820) 0
ENTER  DatabaseIf                 connect()
MIDDLE DatabaseIf                 Error: cannot obtain libpq connection
. . . . . . . . Throwing Exception (SQLCODE=0): 
Throwing Exception (SQLCODE=0): 
ENTER  DatabaseIf               baseDBMSClose()
ONCE   Adminif                    getCurrentDatabaseIf() 0x12d7820
ONCE   Adminif                    setCurrentDatabaseIf(0) 0x12d7820
ENTER  DatabaseIf                 disconnect()
EXIT   DatabaseIf                 disconnect() SQLCODE=0
EXIT   DatabaseIf               baseDBMSClose()
Error: exception 206: Serialisable exception r_Ebase_dbms: error in base DBMS.
. . . . . . . LEAVE RnpRasDaManComm::decodeFragment, rasdaman exception caught: Serialisable exception r_Ebase_dbms: error in base DBMS.
[2011-05-19 18:54:35]Error: request terminated: Serialisable exception r_Ebase_dbms: error in base DBMS.
. . . . . . . rasdaman exception kind=35, errorno=206
Error in response: (35	206) Serialisable exception r_Ebase_dbms: error in base DBMS.
. . . . . . . adjusted client ID from 0x0 to 0xffffffffabcdef01
[2011-05-19 18:54:35] request completed; request time=0.002s

For now the workaround is to start postgres at the default port, 5432.

#60 fixed Importing and outputting multi-band tiff files via rasql Dimitar Misev anonymous

currently, rasdaman can only import and output 1 band and 3 band tiff files via rasql. However, tiff files can have any arbitrary number of bands. therefore, rasdaman should be improved such that one can write

rasql -q 'insert into test_multiband_collection values inv_tiff($1)' —file multiband_tiff_file

Likewise, rasdaman should be able to output a multi-band tiff file which is stored in it

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