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Results (52 - 54 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#627 wontfix CRS support with rasimport Alexander Herzig abeccati

I just imported a dataset with rasimport on version 8.5.2 expecting it to load the EPSG code found in the GeoTIFF but I ended up with a CRS:1 coverage. I recall the functionality of automatically reading and setting the CRS from GeoTIFF was included in some earlier version so that existing CRS would be assigned, while new crs would have been loaded automatically if not present in ps_crs.

I think the functionality should already be part of the 8.5 release branch so no having it is a defect. Furthermore its quite relevant to avoid users re-coding CRS-related extraction and inserts when loading geodata. At least for 2D coverages that should be straightforward to support. I'd set it to critical since 2D geodata in such widespread format is a very fundamental ingestion to support.

#710 invalid rasgeo doesn't handle NaN in raster attribute tables Alexander Herzig Alexander Herzig

RasdamanHelper2::writeRAT() does not support NaN 'values' when reading double values from a GDALRasterAttributeTable.

#723 wontfix Make rasgeo report wrong command line inputs Alexander Herzig Marcus Sen

I have found a couple of occasions where I enter the wrong command-line options for rasimport and get either a non-obvious error message or a silent ignore of the erroneous option. I think it would be more helpful to fail and give the usage message if incorrect options are specified on the command line.

Ex. 1

$ rasimport -coll bgs_rs -t RGBImage:RGBSet --crs-uri -f Landsat_ETM_321_11Sep2002.tif

gives error:

rasimport::main(): Parsing error: Unexpected end of query.

because I mistyped —coll as -coll.

Ex. 2

$ rasimport --coll bgs_rs --coverage bgs_rs --crs-uri -t RGBImage:RGBSet -f Landsat_ETM_321_11Sep2002.tif

loaded the data with no error message but made the coverage name in petascope bgs_rs_5134 (i.e. with the oid appended to the collection name) rather than bgs_rs as I had intended because I had just typed —coverage instead of the full option name —coverage-name. If the command isn't going to accept shortened unique option names then it should give an error about an unrecognised option rather than silently ignoring it.

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