Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#267 fixed Tiling with rasimport Alexander Herzig Dimitar Misev

Check what is the tiling strategy that rasimport uses. Is it fixed to a certain tile size and configuration, or it's adaptable to the input maybe?

Check whether it's easily possible to make it flexible (i.e. allow using the rasql storage layout sublanguage).

Update documentation to include the tiling parameter that has been implemented as flexible tiling strategy specification solution.

#319 wontfix rasimport resets axis names after updating a cube Alexander Herzig joachim.ungar@…

When having a cube with the third axis name = 't' and type = '6', rasimport seems to reset to the initial values "z" and "5" after updating the cube with a new slice.

Alex proposed to add a new parameter specifying registered axis names upon image import, e.g. '—axes <x:y:z>', and when data is updated names and types shouldn't be overwritten at all.

#442 fixed Occassional error on rasimport Alexander Herzig James Passmore

When running a batch import using python I get occasional errors like:

ERROR - RasdamanHelper2::updateImage, l. 685: image update failed: RasManager Error: Write transaction in progress, please retry again later.

ERROR - rimport::main, l. 1371: RasManager Error: Write transaction in progress, please retry again later.

The batch process is using python subprocess like…

p3 = subprocess.Popen(rasimport,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

Where rasimport is something like:

"time rasimport -d " + str(tile) + "/" +  str(subtile) + " -coll pga_cir -t RGBImage:RGBSet -s jpg -oid 6145"

It appears that rasimport is reporting it is finished, when in fact the processing is not complete.

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