Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 2765)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#373 fixed Experimental copy of petascope for 9.0 preparation Piero Campalani abeccati

create an applications/petascope9/ folder to allow shared, contributor-agreement aware and parallel development of the new Petascope (and petascopedb), while keeping a compilable and stable Petascope in the same repo. Tables for the new database will have the prefix PS9_ so they can coexist with the stable version of petascope.

Lets create the copy and document its existence in the developers page of the wiki. I am aware of discussion on copying also the libs or not, if these are not copied a link is required to them on a dev machine, be sure to highlight that prominently in the dev docs.

#396 duplicate Add and verify error-prone queries to WCPS test suite Piero Campalani abeccati

As soon as the oracle-based testing system is set up (#363), as a next step we should add (many) error-prone queries and verify they actually return an error/exception (this will help us reviewing error messages and identifying cumbersome ones, e.g. see #394). (by pcampalani)

Needs specific knowledge

#402 fixed E-mail verification broken after password reset attempt Heinrich Stamerjohanns abeccati

Just got this report from swingit (he would have filed it but that would obviously lead to a paradox) :)

Warning: Your permissions have been limited until you verify your email address. Error: Forbidden

TICKET_CREATE privileges are required to perform this operation

TracGuide — The Trac User and Administration Guide

However, no mail has been received to complete the verification process.

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