Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2213 rasql: multiple marray variables not evaluated properly Dimitar Misev defect critical 9.8 fixed
#1214 Rasql_should returns error if try to encode 1D and 3D in PNG, Tiff Dimitar Misev defect major development fixed
#1216 Rasql returns -inf when divide by 0 defect major development invalid
#1228 WCPS1.5_Error when using abs operator with multiple scalar operands defect major development fixed
#1390 Rasql_Nodata values with list in GTIFF returns wrong values when shown by gdalinfo Dimitar Misev defect major development wontfix
#1967 Rasql_Support parsing NaN as nodata Dimitar Misev defect major fixed
#2185 rasql - project() to specified geo axes resolutions apercov enhancement major 9.8 fixed
#2196 Rasql - server died with clip by Multipolygon apercov defect major 9.8 fixed
#2260 rasql - error in encode with colorPalette by PNG format apercov enhancement major 9.8 fixed
#2385 rasql - results for and,or,xor are not displayed properly Dimitar Misev defect major 9.8 invalid
#2544 rasql - project() supports null value parameter Dimitar Misev enhancement major 9.8 fixed
#1289 rasql should print oid upon insert Dimitar Misev enhancement minor development invalid
#1473 Rasql_Check jpeg2000 values consistently defect minor development wontfix
#1526 Put the crs variable to netCDF output defect minor development wontfix
#1575 should rasdaman have sdom intersection? bbell enhancement minor development duplicate
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.