Custom Query (37 matches)


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Status: assigned (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#680 Customizable handling of sample size of a coverage point Vlad Merticariu enhancement major development
#2256 WMS should adapt null values for non-char data Dimitar Misev enhancement trivial development
#2635 FIX - WCPS scale on Index1D CRS does not allow to scale bigger than grid domain Bang Pham Huu enhancement trivial 10.0

Status: closed (31 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#505 Performance leak for timestamp to numeric coordinate conversion Piero Campalani defect blocker 8.5 fixed
#439 usage of ps_descriptions table in petascope 8.x Bidesh Thapaliya defect critical 8.5 fixed
#277 using color tables for petascope output Peter Baumann enhancement major 8.3 invalid
#312 Web interface for loading geo-spatial data Dimitar Misev feature major 8.3 fixed
#331 WMS to support publication of slices of a coverage abeccati feature major 8.4 wontfix
#440 usage of ps_domain table in petascope 8.x Piero Campalani defect major 8.5 fixed
#441 usage of ps_range table in petascope 8.x Piero Campalani defect major 8.5 fixed
#447 Develop the wcsproc extension Peter Baumann enhancement major duplicate
#488 Javadoc documentation for Petascope gxinghua defect major 8.5 invalid
#504 Unit tests for petascopedb triggers, utilities and migration script Piero Campalani enhancement major development wontfix
#509 WCPS does not distinguish between coverage and CRS axis Alex Dumitru defect major development invalid
#511 Use origin and offset vectors in Petascope for domain2cell conversion Piero Campalani enhancement major development fixed
#582 petascopedb to fully support SWE Quantities Vlad Merticariu enhancement major development fixed
#599 imagecrsmetadata when subsetting near border Alex Dumitru defect major development fixed
#600 Numeric expressions of scalars require white space Alex Dumitru defect major development duplicate
#612 Implement GeoTiff Coverage Enconding WCS extension Piero Campalani feature major development duplicate
#637 GML domainSet to be correctly updated on WCS scaling operations Piero Campalani defect major development fixed
#641 crsSupported item shall be instantiatable AbstractCRS Piero Campalani defect major development invalid
#758 Evaluate the use of fixed number of decimal places in numeric representations Vlad Merticariu enhancement major development fixed
#1669 remove empty javadoc comments Bang Pham Huu defect major development wontfix
#2324 Petascope - Merge OAPI features to current petascope Vlad Merticariu enhancement major 9.8 fixed
#153 Petascope gives error when valid OWS Common parameter is suppled as part of request Bang Pham Huu defect minor 8.3 fixed
#214 Include broadcasting rules from numpy into WCPS abeccati enhancement minor 8.3 wontfix
#315 Allow services to specify which CRS the service will offer in the GetCapabilities response abeccati enhancement minor 8.3 wontfix
#500 Use String constants for Multipoint PostGIS requests Piero Campalani defect minor 8.5 fixed
#501 Multipoint request handling to be scalable for non 3D CRSs Piero Campalani enhancement minor 8.5 wontfix
#506 Coverage axes and CRS axes Alex Dumitru defect minor development invalid
#594 Add .lo and .hi selections in domain( ) and imagecrsdomain( ) WCPS functions Piero Campalani feature minor development fixed
#613 Implement Interpolation WCS extension Piero Campalani feature minor development duplicate
#679 Support for gml:CompoundCRS Dimitar Misev enhancement minor 9.0 wontfix
#580 Duplicate header in WCS SOAP responses Piero Campalani defect trivial development fixed

Status: new (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2108 Validate colorPaletteTable on coverage insert or metadata update Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.8
#2163 the null value in petascope coverages should be obtained from rasql Bang Pham Huu enhancement minor 9.8

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#936 Inserting slices in middle of existing irregular timeseries Vlad Merticariu enhancement major development
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.