Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 2765)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#270 Dimitar Misev Dimitar Misev duplicate Deprecate old servlets in petascope

It's easiest if we maintain one endpoint = /petascope

That means we should check if the other endpoints offer any extra functionality not present at /petascope and integrate them into this one. Then we can announce that /petascope/wcps, /petascope/wcs2, etc. are deprecated and no longer maintained.

#274 mrusu Dimitar Misev fixed WCS scaling fails when there's subsetting

The order of operator application when WCS is translated to WCPS needs to be fixed, first subsets should be applied and then other operations like scaling.

#275 Dimitar Misev abeccati fixed Incremental updates for rasdaman database

Introduce update scripts and database version (as in petascope) for rasdaman database.

We can start with an update system like petascope until we bind updates to releases with packaged update procedures form one release to another. Meantime just check if there is dbversion info and if missing assume a given db structure (as released in 8.3 I would say) and establish updates accordingly.

Ticket milestone should be set to 8.4

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