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Results (52 - 54 of 2765)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#22 Peter Baumann hicksa@… fixed need more information on creating rasdaman user in inst-guide and external-guide

Both documents mention creating a rasdaman user but give no details of that user.

Should the user be a regular user or a system user (i.e. a daemon)? Should the user have a specific home directory? Should the user have a specific password, and is that password required in the rasdaman configuration?

An example of user creation would be useful.

#27 Peter Baumann Nicolas fixed PostgreSQL 8.4 documentation update

in the install guide it is mentioned to put this line into postgresql.conf:

tcpip_socket = true

But when I restart the sql-server, it gives me following error:

FATAL: unrecognized configuration parameter "tcpip_socket"

In another forum I read, that since version 8. of postgresql the command listen_addresses is used instead and points to localhost per default.

#33 msahakyan Peter Baumann fixed remove "#ifdef NO_OFFICIAL_RELEASE"

In rascontrol, some functionality is conditional on NO_OFFICIAL_RELEASE, which technically is not justified. Task is to remove the #ifdef and test the functionality thus released.

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