Custom Query (2765 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 2765)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#13 Peter Baumann j.yu@… fixed select mr==mr from mr not work

select mr==mr from mr not work also select 1==1 from mr not work

#16 Jinsongdi Yu j.yu@… fixed condense count

select condense + over x in sdom(a) where a[x] using 1 from mr as a — for cell count is not correct, get from ql-guide 9.6 should be select condense + over x in sdom(a) where (bool)a[x] using 1 from mr as a but if a[x]=0 the result is not correct either, so select condense + over x in sdom(a) where (bool)((bool)a[x]+1) using 1 from mr as a could be a solution

#21 Peter Baumann hicksa@… fixed Include an explicit list of dependencies in inst-guide.pdf

Compiling rasdaman on a freshly installed & updated Ubuntu 8.10 server for the first time and after installing 'build essential' I've had to repeat the cycle:

  1. run ./configure
  2. configure halts on missing dependency
  3. search for package with dependent file
  4. install package
  5. repeat from 1

11 times!

My dep list is:

sun-java6-jdk libssl-dev libhdf4g-dev flex libncurses5-dev libpng12-dev lipnetpbm-dev libreadline5-dev libtiff4-dev postgresql-server-dev-8.3 libecpg-dev

If the documentation included a dep list it could have been quickly implemented with a single apt-get install call.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.