Submitted patches

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Show: all, applied, pending, rejected
Patch Description Author Branch Submit Time Action Status Test Status
 [PATCH] ticket:1627 - Embedded SECORE needs user's configuration for secoredb path   master   2017-11-07 17:06:15     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1626 - SECORE should run without update scripts folder   master   2017-11-06 13:20:09     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1628 Cleaned up extra petascope code and fixed properties path.   master   2017-11-03 14:31:04     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1623 - Add more GDAL supported encode formats to Petascope   master   2017-10-31 18:18:39     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1614 - WCPS fix scaling extension correclty for scaling down ( < 1) and up ( > 1)   master   2017-10-31 16:40:25     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1624 - SECORE resolves request with non existent version correctly   master   2017-10-31 13:51:28     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1625 - SECORE supports URNs for not completely specified objects extension   master   2017-10-30 16:46:03     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1621 - WCPS supports $ as coverage iterator and MIME type application/gml+xml in encode   master   2017-10-30 14:18:17     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1620 - WMS requests are slow to handle in petascope   master   2017-10-30 06:57:33     PENDING   SUCCESS 
 [PATCH] ticket:1618 - Petascope throws exception when disable_write_operations is enabled in   master   2017-10-17 07:41:58     PENDING   SUCCESS 

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See How to submit patches for a step-by-step guide, in particular regarding the patch subject format. In order to ensure quick processing and to avoid rejection, you may want to make sure your patch adheres to the rasdaman code guide.

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