1 | rasserver: rasdaman server v8.4.0rc.2-10-g96e9534 on base DBMS pgsql -- generated on 08.04.2013 09:29:32.
2 | Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Peter Baumann rasdaman GmbH.
3 | Rasdaman community is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
4 | Rasdaman community is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
5 |
6 | To obtain a list of external packages used, please visit www.rasdaman.org.
7 | Server N1 of type RNP, listening on port 7002, connecting to pgsql as 'RASBASE'.Verifying rasmgr host name: localhost...ok
8 | Tile size set to : 4194304
9 | PCTMin set to : 2048
10 | PCTMax set to : 4096
11 | IndexSize set to : 0
12 | Default Tile Conf: [0:1023,0:1023]
13 | Default Tiling : AlignedTiling
14 | Default Index : r_RPlus_Tree_Index
15 | Use Tile Container: 0
16 | Installing signal handler for ignoring broken pipe signal...ok
17 | Initializing control connections...informing rasmgr: server available...ok
18 | Initializing job control...setting timeout to 300 secs...connecting to base DBMS...ok, waiting for clients.
19 |
20 |
21 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
22 | Request: connectNewClient...ok
23 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 1782 usecs.
24 |
25 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 1794 usecs
26 |
27 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
28 | Request: 'open DB', name = RASBASE'...ok
29 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 1193 usecs.
30 |
31 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 1204 usecs
32 |
33 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
34 | Request: 'close DB'...ok
35 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 829 usecs.
36 |
37 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 838 usecs
38 |
39 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
40 | Request: disconnect...[2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 1465 usecs.
41 |
42 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 1494 usecs
43 |
44 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
45 | Request: connectNewClient...ok
46 | Request: 'open DB', name = RASBASE'...ok
47 | Request: 'begin TA', mode = read...ok
48 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 27360 usecs.
49 |
50 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 27385 usecs
51 |
52 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
53 | Request: 'is TA open'...okyes.
54 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 1238 usecs.
55 |
56 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 1252 usecs
57 |
58 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
59 | Request: 'select encode((char)(((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)((((char)(((((c)=(255)))*(80)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)=(255)))*(80)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)=(255)))*(80)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))overlay((((char)(((((c)=(254)))*(255)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)=(254)))*(235)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)=(254)))*(190)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((c)=(253)))*(0)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)=(253)))*(0)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)=(253)))*(250)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(55)))and(((c)<(253)))))*(0)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(55)))and(((c)<(253)))))*(0)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(55)))and(((c)<(253)))))*(255)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(50)))and(((c)<(55)))))*(0)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(50)))and(((c)<(55)))))*(136)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(50)))and(((c)<(55)))))*(0)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(45)))and(((c)<(50)))))*(10)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(45)))and(((c)<(50)))))*(200)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(45)))and(((c)<(50)))))*(10)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(40)))and(((c)<(45)))))*(20)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(40)))and(((c)<(45)))))*(255)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(40)))and(((c)<(45)))))*(20)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(35)))and(((c)<(40)))))*(173)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(35)))and(((c)<(40)))))*(255)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(35)))and(((c)<(40)))))*(47)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(30)))and(((c)<(35)))))*(255)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(30)))and(((c)<(35)))))*(255)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(30)))and(((c)<(35)))))*(0)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(25)))and(((c)<(30)))))*(255)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(25)))and(((c)<(30)))))*(215)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(25)))and(((c)<(30)))))*(0)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((((c)>=(20)))and(((c)<(25)))))*(255)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(20)))and(((c)<(25)))))*(165)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((((c)>=(20)))and(((c)<(25)))))*(0)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))))overlay((((char)(((((c)<(20)))*(200)))) * {1c,0c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)<(20)))*(10)))) * {0c,1c,0c} + ((char)(((((c)<(20)))*(10)))) * {0c,0c,1c})))) [458,0:336,0:336]), "PNG") from Biopar_Tile_LAI AS c'...parsing...checking semantics...QtTypeElement::setDataType() - MDD and complex types need to be specified further.
60 | evaluating...ok, result type 'set <marray <char, [0:43717]>>', 1 element(s).
61 | Request (continuing): 'get next MDD'...ok, 1 more tile(s)
62 | Request (continuing): 'get next MDD'...ok, no more tiles.
63 | ok
64 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 603514 usecs.
65 |
66 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 603525 usecs
67 |
68 | [2013-04-12 09:37:10] request from
69 | Request: 'commit TA'...ok
70 | Request: 'close DB'...ok
71 | Request: disconnect...[2013-04-12 09:37:10] request completed in 2953 usecs.
72 |
73 | PerformanceTimer: RnpRasDaManComm :: request = 2982 usecs