Ticket #1366: recipe.irr_cube_1.json

File recipe.irr_cube_1.json, 1.6 KB (added by Bang Pham Huu, 8 years ago)
2 "config": {
3 "service_url": "http://localhost:8080/rasdaman/ows",
4 "tmp_directory": "/tmp/",
5 "crs_resolver": "http://localhost:8080/def/",
6 "default_crs": "http://localhost:8080/def/OGC/0/Index2D",
7 "mock": false,
8 "automated": true,
9 "track_files": false
10 },
11 "input": {
12 "coverage_id": "irr_cube_1_14",
13 "paths": [
14 "irr_cube_1.nc"
15 ]
16 },
17 "recipe": {
18 "name": "general_coverage",
19 "options": {
20 "coverage": {
21 "grid_coverage": true,
22 "crs": "OGC/0/Index3D",
23 "metadata": {
24 "type": "xml",
25 "global": {
26 "Title": "'This is a test file'",
27 "Project": "'This is another test file'",
28 "Creator": "'This is a test creator file'"
29 }
30 },
31 "slicer": {
32 "type": "netcdf",
33 "bands": [
34 {
35 "name": "value",
36 "variable": "value",
37 "description": "Count of the number of observations from the MERIS sensor contributing to this bin cell",
38 "nilReason": "The nil value represents an error in the sensor.",
39 "identifier": "value"
40 }
41 ],
42 "axes": {
43 "i": {
44 "min": "0",
45 "max": "9",
46 "resolution": 1
47 },
48 "j": {
49 "min": "0",
50 "max": "9",
51 "resolution": 1
52 },
53 "k": {
54 "min": "0",
55 "max": "6",
56 "resolution": 1,
57 "irregular": true
58 }
59 }
60 }
61 },
62 "tiling": "ALIGNED [0:0, 0:1023, 0:1023]"
63 }
64 }